Monday, November 17, 2008

To narrate or not narrate: that is the question.

Some folks will argue things to death. Purists will argue that the original was better than [insert NEW THING here]. Historians will argue that the past was better than the present and the future will only bring pain and suffering. I'll argue with Ridley Scott that the narration in the theatrical version of Blade Runner was important and very cool even though he directed the film. It's a mixed bag folks...

Thanks to modern technology, the studios and Ridley Scott, we have seven (that's right!) different versions of our beloved sci-fi masterpiece. Disregard the unicorn, the violence and the crappy happy ending. Let's just focus on the voice-over narration by Mr. Harrison Ford. Some folks hate it some folks love it. I love the voice-over and feel it really adds something to the film.

I'm a big fan of Spillane and the narration is very Spillane-esque. First person dialogue is a wonderful tool and is very underused in modern literature as well as film. I find, if it's done correctly, narration in a film expands the universe and makes the characters seem more personal and 'human'. Without the narration, Dekard comes across as cold and robotic. Is this on purpose? Maybe. Only Scott knows. All in all--I like the narration. Bear in mind, it's just my opinion folks and I'm only human...

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